Testimonials and Reviews

Dr. Smith along with her practice have been an answered prayer and source of hope. I initially went to Dr. Smith to address certain hormonal irregularities and fertility concerns. Little did I know my body was under more stress than any other doctor would have been able to detect. After working with Dr. Smith for several months I was feeling much better. Through chiropractic care and my personalized nutrition program my liver was able to detox properly, my skin looked great, I was way less stressed, and I was sleeping soundly. Best of all my hormones began to level out and I got my first positive on a pregnancy test!

Dr. Smith works well with her patients to address any concerns, big or small. She takes the time to listen to her patients and in that moment, you are her main priority. This was my first experience using chiropractic care and a nutritional program to heal the body and that is exactly what I have experienced, healing. Through this experience I have learned what true healing looks like. It’s not prescribing a supplement or getting a few adjustments here and there. It involves commitment, a sense of learning about the body and how God created us to be: thriving. I am thankful to have the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Smith and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a better quality of life.
— Elise N.
My experience with distance testing and Nutrition Response Testing has been wonderful and beneficial. We connect on Zoom and test me for current needs and reactions. I receive my supplements by mail and have had very quick and positive results. Am very grateful for a process that allows me to visit Dr. Smith without traveling for hours both ways. I have been able to receive help during my lunch breaks from work.
— Polly B.
I have been seeing Dr. Smith for the past 2 months. I was a little hesitant in the beginning and very skeptical. I had been to doctor after doctor and all they would tell me is that I have ulcerative colitis. I did not want to believe that I had to live the rest of my life miserable and in pain while on several pills/treatment. In March, I changed my diet and began eating pretty healthy. However, I was still experiencing bloody stools, insomnia, itching, and overall pain related to digestive issues.
After my initial visit and first set of test performed, Dr. Smith was spot on. I did not discuss previous medical diagnosis with her. However, she was able to tell what was contributing to my excruciating symptoms. After performing my reevaluation, 6 weeks later, I am proud to say that I am at least 90% better. I have made so much progress in 2 months. The routine test that we perform weekly confirms it as well. I want to let you know that this does work. If you ever feel like you’re at the end of the road and there’s no hope with your colitis or other medical problems, I would suggest NRT. It’s a huge investment, but one of the best I’ve made so far! I feel so much better. Haven’t felt this great in years. Thanks Dr. Smith. Don’t know what I would do without you. I thank God for you daily. Keep up the good work!!!!
— Rena T.

1. Why did you start your healthcare with me?

I started health care with you because I had started my journey with nutrition response testing back in NY and when I moved here I wanted to continue on that journey. I was given your name by my practitioner in NY and he told me that in order to be on the specific referral list he was going off of, practitioners needed to have a certain amount of training so he felt confident that it would be a good fit. I have

2. What makes/made me different from others that you have been to or thought about going to?

You are much much more thorough in your practice than my previous practitioner. It’s also very clear that you continue learning new techniques and/or ways of testing that yield better results. I feel like I am getting way more value for my money than I have in the past. I love that you care about getting your patients results vs. just going through the motions to make some money.

3. What have you gotten out of continuing here?

Health! For me, and now both of my sons. I had a very healthy pregnancy which resulted in a very healthy baby boy 😃 my son Jaxon has done an immense amount of healing and detoxing from past vaccinations and he is feeling so much better and Is much happier. I also have trust in a health care professional, which isn’t something I can say that I’ve ever fully had before!
— Chelsi C.